Obbie King

Pundits blame the Biden admin for , but the true villain is corporate price gouging.

This in-depth study documents how when supply costs went up a little, prices went up a lot. And when supply costs went down a lot, prices still went up.

And CEOs on earnings calls bragged about inflation goosing their profits.

Remember: The CEOs that are gouging us are all supporters of Republicans.


17 hours ago
Obbie King

You know, there *is* a need for affordable housing, especially for seniors. That building would be an awesome geezerplex. They're not saying "why" they want to tear it down (I'm guessing for parking, though they say it'll just be too hard to maintain it).

I think the city needs to put its foot down NOW and say that space will NEVER be permitted to be a parking lot.

1 day ago
Obbie King

What's wrong with childless cat ladies?

I'm *married* to one.

2 days ago
Obbie King

They always say, "it'll never happen"....

...until we make it happen.

2 days ago
Obbie King

This story makes us sad, as our week Jasper was the highlight of our month-long tour of Canada in 2003. theguardian.com/world/article/

3 days ago
Obbie King
3 days ago
Obbie King

Let's talk about "balancing the ticket," shall we?

Kamala is a woman, so her VP should be a man.
Kamala is a POC, so her VP should be white.
Kamala is young-ish, so her VP should be an experienced elder statesman.
Kamala is from California, so her VP should be from New England.

Who meets all of these qualifications?
Bernie Sanders.

4 days ago
Obbie King

What's all this about "brat summer"?

4 days ago