Jess Mahler

To understand Jess, you only need to know five things: Family. Writing. Jewish community. Activism/education. Tikkun olam. These are the heart of Jess Mahler. The rest is details.
(Occasional bad puns and obscure references at no extra charge.)

Posts include kink and lewds, all under content warning.

Formal pronouns: they/them
White settler on Lenape land

Avatar is a harris hawk + cougar gryphon
Header is same gryphon walking the mountains.
Gryphon by @amaranth

Jess Mahler
Sexuality labels

Idea that's been kicking around for a while and I've mentioned here or there. But I think I'm gonna start putting it into practice.

I think it's ridiculous that we identify our sexuality by reference to our gender. Why don't we just say what we are attracted to? If we need latin-esque words for it, why not androphillic or androsexual (lover of men), gynophilic/gynosexual (lover of women), enbyphillic/enbysexual (lover of enbies), etc.

April 14, 2019
Jess Mahler
Why "person first language" doesn't put the person first I'll add a bit of history to this if you don't mind. Person-first language originated in the 80s. We still have problems today with so-called experts talking about autistic people like we aren't human, saying we are more like chimpanzees or robots than humans, etc. In the 80s it was way worse and way more common.

April 01, 2019
Jess Mahler
MH, humor

Does anyone have contact info for sanity? I know it's not good to keep trying to get a hold of someone after they block you, but it's really important that I connect with them this week.


March 26, 2019
Jess Mahler A lot of weeks and months.

Every change starts as being for a day, for a week, for a month. Every change involves a lot of backsliding, falling off the wagon, etc. But if you/they keep trying, then eventually you get enough days/months/weeks in a row to say that this is your new normal and the occasional backslide is an aberration.

So you decide you want to be more patient. You work on it hard for a day, for two, the third day you can't manage it.

March 26, 2019
Jess Mahler
alcohol/drugs. Queen

Today I learned that Freddie Mercury recorded 'The Show Must Go On' while *so drunk/drugged he couldn't walk*

And the perfection of that just blows me away.

March 08, 2019
Jess Mahler

Morning all.

Fighting with final clean up and shit on . If I don't screw anything up, it'll be available for pre-order by Sunday.

Then I get to relax and not worry about deadlines for six months or so. If all goes well will be out in about 18 months. God knows on my next fiction novel, but hopefully in the next year or two.

March 08, 2019
Jess Mahler

Sometime in the past 6 months I decided I was done trying to market my books.

I just didn't/don't have the time/spoons/energy to market effectively and trying to do so was adding stress I didn't need.

Well, I'm releasing my new book next Thursday. And I'm low-key freaking out because I haven't sent out review copies or tried to line up a blog tour or, well, anything *and I only have seven days left!!!!!*

Except I'm not doing those things. So... yeah...

March 07, 2019