Jess Mahler

To understand Jess, you only need to know five things: Family. Writing. Jewish community. Activism/education. Tikkun olam. These are the heart of Jess Mahler. The rest is details.
(Occasional bad puns and obscure references at no extra charge.)

Posts include kink and lewds, all under content warning.

Formal pronouns: they/them
White settler on Lenape land

Avatar is a harris hawk + cougar gryphon
Header is same gryphon walking the mountains.
Gryphon by @amaranth

Jess Mahler
Relationships, the myth of 'equal', long

To be clear, when I say 'relationships', here, I don't mean capital -R *Relationships*. I mean people, relating to each other. Any people. Whether it's parent and child, polyam quad, a couple of friends, whatever.

Now, I don't know about the rest of the world, but in the US we have made a huge thing about 'equality'. And, like, we had good reason for it? Equality before the law is really fucking important. And other kinds of equality matter too.

November 12, 2019
Jess Mahler
Asking for Money

Morning all. My household needs your help.

Our car broken down in August and we've been borrowing a neighbor's car while we try to save up. But not sure how much longer that arrangement will last.

Any help is appreciated and will go directly into saving for a vehicle.



November 10, 2019
Jess Mahler
Help needed! -- racism & capital punishment

This seems to be my day to share news about shitty things in hopes they can be stopped.

Rodney Reed is scheduled to be executed Nov 20th and the description reads like something out of To Kill a Mockingbird.

There's a bunch of stuff people can do to (hopefully) stop this, ranging from signing a petition, to calling officials, to participating in rallies (and probably more.)

Please do what you can

November 04, 2019
Jess Mahler
Upcoming Genocide, Roma

Spreading the word bc don't know what else I can do.

Bulgaria is taking steps that are straight out of the Nazi playbook for "a complete programme for a solution to the Gypsy problem.” (that's a quote from a high level government guy, not random neo-Nazi street thug).

November 04, 2019
Jess Mahler
Reading List Request

If you have suggestions no on this list, please reply with them.

And if you have a reading list/suggestions for a reading list for learning about other minority and/or oppressed groups, please let me know! Particulary interested in reading for Native American history, Hispanic history, and disability history.

October 26, 2019
Jess Mahler
Black History Reading List

I've only read about 2/3rds of these myself. The rest are on my to-read list. Most folks won't be able to read all this. That's okay. But better to read one than to read none.

October 26, 2019
Jess Mahler

I probably should have done this a while back. But better late than never.

I am tired of arguing with white people who haven't learned fuck-all about the history of racism in general and black Americans in particular. And it should go without saying that it's a couple dozen times worse for American black folks.

So for folks, and white folks in particular, actually willing (and able) to educate yourselves, here's my suggested .

October 26, 2019