Jess Mahler

To understand Jess, you only need to know five things: Family. Writing. Jewish community. Activism/education. Tikkun olam. These are the heart of Jess Mahler. The rest is details.
(Occasional bad puns and obscure references at no extra charge.)

Posts include kink and lewds, all under content warning.

Formal pronouns: they/them
White settler on Lenape land

Avatar is a harris hawk + cougar gryphon
Header is same gryphon walking the mountains.
Gryphon by @amaranth

Jess Mahler

I've got another essay in my head.

This one about healthy eating.

And I'm...

I don't think this is me proposing a 'new' diet, but feedback welcome before I spend several hours writing this thing?

This is, while diets are generally bad, for a lot of reasons, many folks do need to 'eat healthier.'

My partner (diabetic) is stuck counting carbs and stressing over how much she eats as the only 'healthy' option because even professional nutritionists don't have any better advise.

March 12, 2023
Jess Mahler

I shared an essay the other day about how Amazon is using KU to trap authors and how authors can break free:

What I didn't talk about was that Kindle was ALSO used as a trap-&-destroy tool for many small-medium magazines. Especially literary/genre mags

I just boosted a toot from @clarkesworld , one of the longest running & most respected SFF mags

Amazon is ending the Kindle subscription program, which Clarkesworld delicately describes as 'a major blow'


March 10, 2023
Jess Mahler
US pol, trans safety

So Minnesota is now officially a trans refuge state.

Not only are the state laws protecting queer folks in Minnesota, but folks who come to Minnesota for gender affirming care are safe from extradiction orders, subpeonas, and other attempts by states they leave to control them.

If you are looking to get out of dangerous spots, Minnesota just jumped to the top of the 'places to move' list.

March 09, 2023
Jess Mahler

It WOULD be kind of nice if folks who like Taming My Wolf would check out Whips & Fangs as well --

Some werewolves, a few vampires, a dragon, a few fae... just your average kinky short story collection.

If you like my free shorts, you'll love this collection.

(pls boost -- some extra cash to pay bills would REALLY help this month)

March 09, 2023
Jess Mahler

It is spring, which means it's a good time to update emergency supplies before summer rolls in.

I consider myself a small-scale prepper. By which I mean that I am not interested in preparing for 'the end of the world as we know it' (TEOTWAWKI) or stocking up on weapons for the 'inevitable civil war.'

But I absolutely am interested in having enough emergency supplies laid in for actual emergencies.

My baseline is off of the 2003 Northeast blackout and several years of emergency relocations

March 08, 2023