I just realized what I hate about modern chat: it's not a small window on the screen anymore, it's *the whole screen*.
Discord (et al) is barely usable in a small window, whereas AOL Instant Messenger was *very* usable in a small window as you went about your browsing.
For me, smaller window = fewer distractions.
Představte si, že by Angličané nechali vedle Stonehenge postavit obchodní dům. A přesně to se děje u Panské skály -- bude tu stát supermarket.
Mohl by se třeba jmenovat Pyšná princezna.
Detaily: http://www.sonow.cz/petice
Petice: http://e-petice.cz/panskaskala
(Za boost děkuji.)
Fun fact: the code which took Apollo 11 to the moon is available on github https://github.com/chrislgarry/Apollo-11/blob/master/Luminary099/LUNAR_LANDING_GUIDANCE_EQUATIONS.agc#L179
And if you look through it you'll see that - joyfully - it also includes original comments.
My absolute favourite thing about the Moon Code is that it includes comments like this: "TEMPORARY - I HOPE HOPE HOPE"
Did you catch it? In the new episode of Dynamicland, there's a cameo by <extremely good visual programming take>
oh my god... thunar will ENQUEUE additional copies/moves if you're copying from a remote source already and do another copy from the same places.
this is such a small thing but so many file managers get this wrong
Dynamicland's new documentation space will go online on Sept 4.
As a prelude, here is a video about Dynamicland's precursor.