thm shared a status by beka_valentine
noarn chornsky

tired: the Singularity

wired: the Intertwingularity

September 27, 2024
thm shared a status by mirek
Miroslav Suchý

Všem co chválí Fialu za to že vyhodil Bartoše, doporučuji nejprve kouknout na tuhle reportáž. Dozvíte se, jak celé řízení zastavila malinká firmička z Opavy se šesti 6 zaměstnanci, jak Bartošovi chodily emaily o tom, že když bude spolupracovat s jinou firmou, tak nebude mít problémy a o tom jak poslanec ODS zastupuje sdružení firem, které na IT zakázkách okrádají stát už od devadesátek.

September 25, 2024
thm shared a status by Elucidating
⛈️ Information ⛈️

Anarchists should oppose hierarchies of all kinds save under consent, duress and need. In this talk, I will explain why the hierarchical file system is an unjust, unneeded and primitive idea that artificially limits software safety and perfo...Aah! *a giant hook drags me off stage*

September 24, 2024
thm shared a status by masklayer
Tom (tired of the computer)

I realized this might be a good time to remind people about the Mastodon streetpass extension

It helps you passively find people who use mastodon when you visit their websites...


September 15, 2024
thm shared a status by gwil

“Every piece of technology contains complex ontological, epistemological, and cosmological assumptions that engineers rarely question. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, and VKontakte in Russia are all based on the same model and the same set of assumptions. The ontological assumption is that society consists of individuals that are like atoms, and you can know the relation between these social atoms by putting a line between two dots, as in graph theory. These assumptions come to dominate our understanding of social relations and social formations, and an engineer would never doubt this or suggest that it’s a fabrication. But from the perspective of anthropology, a society could never emerge from individuals—individuals would already have been eaten by a tiger or a wolf. A society can only begin with groups. It is only with modern individualism that we came to understand society as being composed of atoms. This is only one assumption among many made by the engineers who design our technology.”

August 22, 2024
thm shared a status by zoy
Dr Zoyander Street

I'm running into an issue with my software / interface / web design being perceived as "retro", when that's not exactly what I'm going for. I want to imagine a future in which we make our existing devices run better, rather than replacing everything every few years. It's not about evoking the past, it's about imagining a more expansive present. It's frustrating to make anti-capitalist art, and then have it interpreted as nostalgia for old products of corporations.

September 21, 2024
thm shared a status by weirdunits
Weird Units

harmonics per PCIe lane

September 20, 2024
thm shared a status by rose

new mozart dropped ​:will_be_baller:​

September 21, 2024
thm shared a status by peter_mcmahan
Peter McMahan

Somehow I never even *considered* this facet of our new LLM hell.

"In an original survey of participants recruited from a popular online platform for sourcing social science research subjects, 34% reported using LLMs to help them answer open-ended survey questions."

#llm #ai #sociology #research

September 20, 2024
thm shared a status by solene
Solène :flan_hacker:

I'm working on a fun setup to have a working air gapped laptop :flan_evil:

I need to find a way to transfer some files occasionally, I got NNCP to work and it's a blast but I want to use a fun communication method.

Data over sound has been disappointing, I gave a try to but the highest speed is 240 B/s which is not good, and it doesn't even work reliably between two local computers :flan_despair:

let's see if I can automate data transfer over qrcode display + webcam

Update: automated qrcode works fine! the speed isn't fast, but I was able to transfer 50 kB in less than a minute

September 21, 2024
thm shared a status by considermycat

Fuck me. A news story on rising ADHD diagnoses that *doesn’t* treat it as a moral panic (“it’s a trend! social contagion!”) but instead recognises that it’s a result of moving from only 1%-2% of people being diagnosed towards the estimated 3%-4% who actually are ADHD

September 15, 2024