Kim Schebler

Aaaaaand, we're off! Happy writing to everyone participating in NaNoWriMo! First day/story down and word count met. Tell me what you're writing—I'd love to hear about it!

November 02, 2023
Kim Schebler

Instead of prepping for NaNoWriMo, I wrote a post about what I learned from writing a short story every day last November:

October 29, 2023
Kim Schebler

This weekend is NaNoWriMo prep for me. Anyone else doing the thing this year? Last year I wrote a short story every day, which was so challenging and GLORIOUS. I am not sure how I want to tackle it this year. I’d love to hear what you’re doing if you’re planning to participate!

October 14, 2023
Kim Schebler

When you're editing a great story that leads you down a rabbit hole of carcinization. I love helping authors prepare their work for readers, but I also love all the rabbit holes editing sends me down!

September 12, 2023
Kim Schebler

Today is a writing day! Working on a tiny story about a character who squandered a spiritual miracle and begs for a second one twenty years later.

What are you working on?

July 29, 2023