SymfonyStation shared a status by SFFMagazineCovers
SciFi/Fantasy Magazine Covers

Amazing Stories vol. 6, no. 3 (June 1931)

The dude being carried looks quite calm about it, if determined, and is apparently a consenting adult so who are we to judge. Nice Golden Hour quality to the lighting.

Those domes in the background look very Tatooine, is it just me?

Original magazine:

#Magazine #MagazineCover #PulpMagazine #PulpFiction #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Horror #Art #Illustration

3 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by FilmNoirPosters
Film Noir Movie Posters

Pushover (1954)

Amazingly sexy image of Kim Novak, slightly marred by the fact they didn't know what to do with her left arm so they just skipped it.

#film #cinema #movies #MoviePosters #cinemastodon #filmastodon #FilmNoir

4 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by kissane
Erin Kissane

If anyone has solid connections to institutional funding, this is the time to introduce them to Jaz at IFTAS. This is really not good.

8 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by nuculabs
Denis Nuțiu

I wrote an Ansible Playbook for self hosting PeerTube, it works with Fedora and I have tested it on my local machine.

#self-host #peertube

8 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by ricmac
Richard MacManus

It’s been over a year now since I migrated Cybercultural away from Substack to an indie website made with @eleventy and @buttondown. Very grateful I made that move, I feel much more independent and free, and even like a bit of a hacker as in early RWW days. My goal is to keep growing Cybercultural and maybe even get that mythical viral post one day. #VivaLaWeb #IndiesForever #FUCorporateWeb

6 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by EnfysBook
Enfys J. Book [they/them]

If you use Signal, Discord, or any other messaging app and you DON'T want Google or Apple monitoring/reading/learning from your messages, follow these steps.

1. Open Google app
2. Tap your profile photo
3. Settings
4. Google Assistant
5. "Your Apps"
6. Choose the app (e.g., Signal)
7. Toggle "Let your assistant learn from this app" off

1. Settings
2. Apps
3. Choose the app (e.g., Signal)
4. Toggle Apple intelligence or Siri settings to off (“learn from this app”)

12 hours ago
Symfony Station 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇵🇹
8 hours ago
Symfony Station 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇵🇹

The latest issue of The Payload newsletter went out. Get the latest happenings in the Symfony, Drupal, TYPO3, PHP and other programming communities. #symfony #drupal #typo3 #joomla #mautic #shopware #prestashop #magento2

8 hours ago
Symfony Station 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇵🇹
9 hours ago
Symfony Station 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇵🇹

Type-Safe Identifiers with Symfony and Doctrine: Using Dedicated ID Classes. #symfony #doctrine

9 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by tomasnorre
Tomas Norre :verified:

A #TYPO3 #Frontend capable person, who would like to help me with the auto update status bar, of the #Crawler in the TYPO3 Backend?

10 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by jaz

Hardest thing I've had to write in quite some time:

tl;dr - we are running out of money and will not be able to pay our bills in April. As such, unless we can secure funding by end of February, we will be closing down some services and re-examining our scope of activities.

11 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by dropismoving
The Drop is Always Moving

Join us at DrupalCon Atlanta for all things Drupal CMS! Two keynotes, 20+ sessions, contribution opportunities, a dedicated training and even a game show will provide deeper insights into Drupal CMS, and this is just a slice of the whole conference!

11 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by jaapio

Huge thank you to @typo3!

They are sponsoring my work on @phpdoc via the community budgets. You enable me to improve phpDocumentor even more.

#sponsor #php

12 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by KyivIndependent
The Kyiv Independent
12 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by julian
Julian Somesan

Composer is vital for any PHP developer worth his salt, whether he is working for a personal project or an enterprise-level one.
It's a powerful tool that guarantees code efficiency and maintainability that work toward ensuring easy ugrades and long-term support for your applications.
#PHP #composer

12 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by ddd
Drupal Developer Days

🎤 Drupal Developer Days Leuven 2025: Speaker Spotlight Series 🎤

Join @dries at #DrupalDevDays in Belgium this April for the Drupal CMS Q&A session!

🎟️ Register now to secure your spot:

📢 Got insights to share? The Call for Sessions is open—submit your proposals today:

#DrupalCMS #DDD25 #OpenSource #Tech

12 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by primus
pRiMUS / Volker

Who wants to join the amazing TYPO3Camp Vienna from May 9-11, 2025? I have discount codes for your camp tickets! Get in touch if you'd like to save on your registration. 😊

The camp takes place at the beautiful University of Vienna, bringing together over 100 TYPO3 enthusiasts from across Europe. With exciting workshops, sessions, and social events, it's going to be an unforgettable community experience!

And always remember: No hiking gear needed ;)

#TYPO3 #t3cvie #inspirepeopletoshare

22 hours ago
SymfonyStation shared a status by ProvenPudding
Mathias Bolt Lesniak

#TYPO3 is nominated — and I believe it deserves to win in all 4️⃣ categories! 🏆 🗳️ Vote for @typo3 in the Annual #CMS Critic People’s Choice Awards:

— Best #Free CMS
— Best #Enterprise CMS
— Best #Headless CMS
— Best #OpenSource CMS

Your #vote counts!

#TYPO3 #CMS #Award #FOSS

18 hours ago