Prof. Sally Keely

Curiosity is key to scientific and mathematical discoveries and understanding. New video from Sanderson / 3Blue1Brown connects light and waves and colours and more. Fun watch!

Attn new winter quarter Calculus students: Notice the vectors, curves, and direction of movement? We'll learn more this term especially in Calc III :)

The barber pole optical mystery:

January 09, 2025
Prof. Sally Keely
November 15, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely (#MartinGardner) has been busy loading videos from their G4G15 conference earlier this year. Check them out at One of my faves is the Mesmoid. Calculus students >> check out the graphs and diagrams at about the 3:40 mark.

September 27, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

What's the probability that two students in a class of 23 have a birthday on the same day? Surprising over 50%!! Three famous mathematical paxadoxes from Sci Am: Hilbert’s Hotel, Birthday Paradox, and Russell’s Antinomy.

August 15, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

Teaching a #calculus III course this fall that includes sequences and #series. In resources, I typically (externally) link to three different "flowcharts" that each asks yes/no Qs that students use to help them decide which #SeriesTest would work in determining if a series is #convergent or #divergent (example below).

However, the three I typically share don't pass accessibility standards (tagged PDF, headers, colour contrast, etc). I hate to recommend them if they aren't an #accessible document. Does anyone happen to have online a Series Test Flowchart that is accessible?

July 31, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

"...possible breakthrough in a very old, very sticky problem in number theory. #RiemannsHypothesis —concerning the distribution of prime numbers throughout the number line — dates back over 160 years. While the new paper doesn’t purport to solve the problem, it could be a substantial step toward a solution. That could enable other number theorists to keep taking steps toward solving it, and (perhaps more importantly) winning a $1 million prize." The seven #MillenniumProblems:

July 09, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

Fundamental Theorem of Calculus lovers read this! "The Clausen function can be defined in terms of its Fourier series"

July 06, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

Attn Calc II students: Saw this integral on Stack Exchange today: \( \int_{0}^{2\pi}\sin(x)\sin(2x)\sin(3x)\sin(4x)\ dx=\frac{\pi}{4} \) Wolfram Alpha confirms So can it be generalized? Yes! Find integral over [0,2pi] of the product of sin(kx), k=1 to n. Discuss in class! (Or over dinner ;-)

June 23, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

"Bogs and other peatlands occupy around 3% of Earth’s land. Yet they manage to pack away twice as much carbon as all the planet’s trees. If that carbon were released, atmospheric carbon dioxide would double, with potentially disastrous consequences for humans and many other species."

Mathematicians took on the task of modeling the size/shape of bogs to get good estimates of the potential dangers.

"The bog’s shape seemed to be essentially governed by the physics of the water table. The researchers found that they could mathematically model the shape of the bog by solving a widely used equation named for the 19th-century mathematician Siméon-Denis Poisson that allowed them to approximate a bog’s depth given only the shape of its boundary."

June 02, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

Attn College Algebra students. ln(x) can be approximated by 2(x-1)/(x+1) and log(x) can be approximated by (x-1)/(x+1). (Try some x-values!) And yet ln(x) is not twice log(x). What's going on here? John D. Cook has useful information about the approximation error here. Watch the scale on the graphs provided. Image source: John D. Cook

May 18, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

RIP Jim Simons. Mathematician, Billionaire, Philanthropist. He will be missed.

Here Jim provides a short story of his life in mathematics at Abel Prize week in 2022. "I made a lot of money and gave it all away." "I was lucky enough to solve the problem through ambient dimension 7, but in dimension 8 my proof didn't work." So weird, but a common difficulty!

May 12, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

This is a month late but still worthy math fun. Stolen from MAA's fantastic Math Horizon magazine merely for educational purposes :)

May 11, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

Happy anniversary of birth to Carl Friedrich Gauss, one of the most prolific mathematicians of all time (b. April 30, 1777).

A fun fact about Gauss is that he figured out a way to draw a 17-sided polygon using only a ruler and compass. "The proof rested on a profound analysis of the factorization of polynomial equations and opened the door to later ideas of Galois theory." (source: image source:

April 30, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

Attn Calc II students: This is a fun little integral. \( \int 2^{\ln(x)}dx \) A substitition \( u=\ln(x) \) won't work since there is no \( \frac{1}{x} \) to make the match. #integration #exponentiation

Think about before reading on.

Nifty trick! Since \( 2=e^{\ln(2)} \), then \( 2^{\ln(x)} = (e^{\ln(2)})^{\ln(x)}=(e^{\ln(x)})^{\ln(2)}=x^{\ln(2)} \)

Now the integral becomes \( \int x^{\ln(2)}dx = \frac{1}{1+ln(2)} x^{1+\ln(2)} + C \)

Swapping from an constant-to-variable to a variable-to-constant made a world of difference. Sweet!

April 27, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

Do you use your iPhone Calculator app for quick calculations? In case you didn't know, rotate your phone to landscape and it becomes a scientific calculator with radicals, exponentials, logarithms, trig functions, even hyperbolic trig functions.

Press "2nd" to get more functions including log-base-b, inverse trigs, inverse hyperbolic trigs.

One more hack: Entering numbers into the command line and mess up? No need to "C" clear all, just swipe right on the command line to delete the previous digit.

While DESMOS app and GeoGebra Apps are amazing for graphing, the built-in Calculator app on iPhone is handy! I keep it in my Control Center for easy access.

April 18, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

Quick read on the history of the decimal point from Scientific American mag.

"The decimal point was a step forward for humanity, enabling the ease and efficiency of calculations that underpin modern science and technology."

April 11, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely
April 08, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

Solve x/(y+z)+y/(x+z)+z/(x+y)=4 where x, y, z are positive whole numbers. This problem going around the web ( interestingly IS able to be solved by Perplexity AI, but Genesis AI and ChatGPT each conclude "no solution".

SPOILER! Solution from Perplexity AI:

The equation x/(y+z) + y/(x+z) + z/(x+y) = 4, where x, y, z are positive integers, is a challenging Diophantine equation that has puzzled mathematicians for a long time. The smallest known solution to this equation is:
x = 36875131794129999827197811565225474825492979968971970996283137471637224634055579
y = 36875131794129999827197811565225474825492979968971970996283137471637224634055579
z = -36875131794129999827197811565225474825492979968971970996283137471637224634055579
This solution was found by the mathematicians Andrew Bremner and Allan MacLeod, and published in their 2014 paper "An unusual cubic representation problem".

April 04, 2024
Prof. Sally Keely

Fun and informative spring break sci-fi watch on Netflix: "The Three-Body Problem".

Background info on the #mathematics #astronomy #physics and movie review:

Jin (Jess Hong) explains the Three-Body Problem:

March 30, 2024