I lived in Malibu in 70's, attended Santa Monica High, and suffered fires along California coast. So saddened by #PalisadesFire losses. My heart goes to all those affected. Stay safe my friends!
Tragic consequence of climate emergency: burning #FossilFuels >> GHG emissions >> big fires.
"As #ClimateCrisis escalates, the interdependent atmospheric, oceanic and ecological systems that constrain human civilization will lead to compounding and regime-shifting changes ..."
Feeling depressed following last week's US presidential and congressional election results? Laughing helps diminish a sence of doom. So I'm sharing this 7-minute video. Take a break and enjoy Tanya Khovanova's favorite math (and science) jokes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNQLCR0yz2A
Modern curricula, better #HigherEducation. UC San Diego has new requirement to graduate: take a #ClimateChange course "designed to be integrated into existing classwork. 41 quarter courses meet the goal, including “The Astronomy of Climate Change”, “Gender and Climate Justice”, “Indigenous Approaches to Climate Change”, and “Environmentalism in Arts and Media”. Many classes that fall under the climate requirement overlap with courses that focus on DEI." #sustainability https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/15/california-university-ucsd-climate-change-course-requirement
My LTE published this morning in The Columbian newspaper: https://www.columbian.com/news/2024/oct/01/letter-support-upthegrove-for-lands/
Dave Upthegrove for Commissioner for Public Lands has a strong realistic plan to protect rural school trust funds while placing a moratorium on logging our few remaining legacy and old growth forests. Upthegrove doesn’t accept funds from timber industry. On Nov. 5th make your vote count for climate and forests, vote #Upthegrove. Be a #ClimateVoter. We won’t go back to JHB.
R.I.P. Dame #MaggieSmith. My thoughts with her family and friends. What a remarkably clever and hard working actress. My father (also very recently died) worked with her Oxford Repertory Theatre when she was very young. She went on to great acclaim in Film, TV, and Theatre. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2024/sep/27/maggie-smith-oscar-winning-star-of-stage-and-screen-dies-aged-89
Excited! I'm hoping there is plenty of JOY and DANCING at DNC 2024. Vote #HarrisWalz2024! Bring unity back to the United States. #GrabHimByTheBallot Vote @KamalaHarris
WA state counties are close to finishing counting primary ballots. Public Lands race is TOO tight. Dem vote got split rather than unlikely candidates drop-out & consolidate around #Upthegrove, now severe jeopardy of having choice of two Repubs in general to oversee all our public forests and marine areas. This would lead to massive clearcutting! Ballot curing (asking voters whose ballots were rejected for say not signing) to fix deadline 8/19. Help! Text-banking FRI 8/16: https://forms.gle/i1stctMthQW2AseY9
Vote Dave Upthegrove for WA Commissioner of Public Lands! I know him to be smart, passionate to protect our few remaining old growth and legacy forests, rural communities from wildfire, and residents from toxic smoke.
#Upthegrove is endorsed by enviro grps: WA Conservation Action, WA Climate Action Now, Enviro/Climate Caucus, Sierra Club.
Dave does not accept campaign funding from timber industry.
He truly cares about climate chaos and knows our forests are our best natural climate defense.
Isn't it pathetic that my College's website including the disability support service stage fails the lowest level #accessibility standards? Such easy fixes to at least have proper contrast and alt text on images. No alt text on this image on that DSS page is particularly egregious!
Just watched Biden interview w family age 12 thru 96 -- all Biden supporters but expressing desire for younger energetic candidate. After all Biden ran as "interim" pres and accomplished far more than expected ... covid diminished, unemployment practically nonexisent, wages way up, inflation down. "In ABC interview, Biden charts a course for Dems’ worst-case scenario. The president appeared too frail to defeat Trump and too delusional to drop out." Unfortunately I concur. https://www.vox.com/politics/359160/biden-abc-news-interview-drop-out
David Roberts (Volts) interview with WA Gov. Jay Inslee well worth listen: https://www.volts.wtf/p/washington-governor-jay-inslee-on Inslee urges vote NO on 2117 (https://no2117.com/) in order to preserve Climate Commitment Act. See green projects in your neighbourhood that depend on 2117 with Clean and Prosperous Washington’s CCA spending mapping tool: https://riskofrepeal.cleanprosperousinstitute.org/
19 #CedarWaxWings perched in the trees outside my bedroom window. 13 captured here.
Cedar waxwings rest;
View from their evergreen perch.
Spring berry season.
(photo and haiku © 2024 Sally Keely).
Thrilled to see #Drumpf get some long-earned comeuppance. Justice system can work, not always, but here it did. Thank-you 12 ordinary citizen jurors for serving.
The #34 is all over the place this week. But did you know ...
34 is a Fibonacci number (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...). 34 is a semiprime (prime * prime, 2*17), and its neighbours, 33 and 35, are also semiprimes. 34 is smallest number whose neighbours have same number of whole-number factors as itself.
Happy Cascadia Day! Lovely light rain in SW Washington. Perfect day for a forest hike. Everything is so green in the Evergreen state. Enjoy!
Boo to Washington Educational Assoc (WEA). WEA-PAC "endorses Chris Reykdal for Superintendent of Public Instruction, Nick Brown for Attorney General, and Patrick DePoe for Commissioner of Public Lands."
Why not Dave Upthegrove for CPL? Pure greed. WEA cares more about obsolete scheme for funding schools by demolishing our precious WA legacy, mature, and old growth forests than it does for the future health of our children.
Do what is best for WA state lands. Vote Dave Upthegrove.org for CPL!
My old Buckley School mate Abigail Disney asks us to
“True strength is not demonstrated through harshness, brutality, or callous indifference, but through steadfast kindness and compassion. Our pets teach most of us this lesson every day through their loyalty and unconditional love. Let’s make sure Americans demand leaders who do the same when it comes time to vote.”
My beloved puppy Beili (pronounced Bailey). Part of my family forever.
Portland State Univ (my alma mater) pauses taking gifts and donations from Boeing amid protests. “PSU is one of the first to distance their school from a major weapons manufacturer.” However the uni already accepted $$ for 2024 and the protesting students (https://www.instagram.com/occupypsu4freepalestine) are frustrated w Pres. Cudd. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/29/portland-state-university-protest-boeing-donation and https://www.kgw.com/article/news/nation-world/israel-hamas-conflict/psu-portland-state-university-library-pro-palestine-protest-boeing
With WA state law (RCW 70A.245) banning foam expanded polystyrene (EPS) take-out containers finally taking place this June 1st (along with bans on other foam products like packing peanuts), this doc from my birth state provides good list of alternatives: https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/ezshare/SWM/EPS/EPSAlternativesList_NYStatePub.pdf
Personally I carry glass containers with snap tops with me to restaurants for leftovers.😎
#rethink #reuse #reduce #recycle #ZeroWasteWashington #ProtectOurOceans #WaterIsLife