Ben, The Complicated One

Married, gay American-Australian guy currently living in Australia. I am a coder, game builder, healer by profession, softcore gamer, Mac guy, and a Dachshund enthusiast.

I enjoy shouting into the void. Lots of processing feelings, stress, irrational thoughts, and stuff. You've been warned.

Ben, The Complicated One

A full day to myself feels really nice.

April 19, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

Flu vaccination today. My arm and shoulder is so sore. :( Waaaaah (for the greater good, of course)!!!

April 15, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

I sat down with the intention of just watching 1 episode of Fallout. I ended up watching the rest of the season. I liked it.

April 13, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

I watched the first Fallout episode yesterday. It was nice, but at some point I was checking to see if it was almost done. It wasn't because it was boring, but because it's SO hard for me to sit down and watch stuff. I might watch another one today. It also made me want to play the game, so good job.

April 13, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

Even if I am driving on my day off, I'm pretty happy to just have some time with my weenie dog, my husband, and myself.

April 09, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

After my 10 day work week, I get to jump in the car and drive 4 hours to my old place to grab some boxes, then drive 4 hours back. I am just so busy lately and will be for a while. I want to be able to do something at least to get my partner moved here.

April 09, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

Pizza for breakfast because I'm an adult and I can do anything I want. Oh, and because I might be lazy too. ;)

April 07, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

Lots happening at the moment. There is a light at the end of this tunnel... my husband's moving here. My study will be one more step to being done. My house will probably be done by mid-year. I'd love to just slow down a little bit--but it'll happen eventually.

April 04, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

My guts are very unhappy right now and normally I'd just call in sick to work. I did that yesterday. I can't do it again today. I need to be brave and think nice thoughts. It's so bad that I like what I do, but I can still get so worked up just going to work. **sigh** I'll be fine once I get there... because I've got 7 more shifts in a row after today.

April 04, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

I can't wait until I can go pee and not have to climb a flight of stairs to do it.

April 03, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

My goal: Work all these shifts. I usually do 3, then take a day or two off. Rinse, repeat. I probably can do 10, but I've got an annual leave request filled out and ready to go, just in case. ;)

April 02, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

The next 6 weeks are going to be really busy. Work is lumping all my shifts together (bc there's no alternative right now). 4 weeks of clinical practice. Partner is resigning from his job and moving here with all the stuff I left behind.

April 02, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

I can't wait for Easter to be over so companies will stop sending me messages calling everything egg-cellent.

March 28, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

Husband got the job. So he'll be moving here with me in about a month. Gonna have to give up some of the space I've gotten used to.

March 28, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

This week I'm having to drive a lot. Lots of elevation changes. My ears feel awful. :( I'm already tired of the pain. I don't even want to think about flying right now...

March 26, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

Husband finds out whether he's got the job he applied for here this week. Fingers crossed.

March 25, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

Do you ever get a craving for food condiments? I do. Ketchup is one of my biggest random cravings. Next is tartare sauce. That's what I'm craving now--with fries.

March 17, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

I couldn't sleep last night and feel horrible this morning, but promised my nephew that I'd bring him to his university classes. Education is important, especially when he's studying in the same field as I work in. (Uni is about 1.5 hrs away one way...)

March 13, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

My husband's got an interview down here on Friday. Fingers crossed that he gets a good job offer and can move down here within the next month or two. 🤞🏽Also... our house has walls and ceilings on the inside! It's getting there!

March 12, 2024
Ben, The Complicated One

Hi. Hello. How is everyone doing? I hope you're all doing well. It's been a rough few days, but I'll tell you something: before I left work this morning, a work colleague of mine said something so simple to me that made me feel so much better. She told me she is there if I ever need to talk. That was so nice to hear. It made the tough night I had infinitely better. :)

March 12, 2024