Ham radio op N3VEM. Into HF mostly, but also run a repeater, and dabble with rockets a little bit as a cross-over hobby.

- Respecter of the living web & justice is for everyone.

Ask me why I don’t own a microwave.

I have a day job, but it's not what defines me - I'd rather talk about , , , , , or anything else you are passionate about.

Might swear a little when angry. Sorry.


@DC4DD we’re not sure exactly - we just found him - whatever it was happened fast, because he had done his morning announcements and was bopping around doing his thing. When we went out after lunch we found him in the run dead. He was less than a year old, so it was unexpected. The rest of the flock has been healthy, and it’s been about a month, so we’re assuming it wasn’t a virus or anything like that.

March 12, 2023

@DC4DD only one of current flock has every really shown any interest in brooding, so we decided to incubate a few. These were fertilized by our rooster before he died, so we grabbed a few to try and make sure a few actually got hatched

March 12, 2023

Pips appearing on the first eggs, and we already heard one of them start to peep a little, so things are on the way!

March 12, 2023

@jesse @rasterweb @mathiasx look for 12v landscaping lights - they have some designed to light up trees, and a few of those would probably do the trick pointed down. They even have some that are designed to mount onto conduit, which is handy for whipping up a custom mount.

March 12, 2023

@kwf so oddly enough this is 100% useful and timely info for me. We were just talking about doing a cattle panel arch over one of our garden beds, and we were trying to decide how to get it home😀

March 12, 2023

Getting the brooder set up in the laundry room since tomorrow is ‘hatch day’ for Martha the Rooster’s (SK) babies. There are 5 eggs starting to wiggle in the incubator, so hopefully the all do well and carry on his legacy!

March 11, 2023

The mini-rocketeers were eager to paint their rockets, but it’s raining out, so I whipped up a quick window-mounted spray booth with some OSB scrap, the box fan that bops around our garage, and one of our furnace filters. It actually worked pretty well, so I’ll prob tweak it up a bit and make it something I can use often😀

March 10, 2023

@FinnleyDolfin @kc2ihx I wonder if I get a vanity plate that says “DA FUZZ” if that would mean the same thing, plus give me the ability to start arresting people?

March 10, 2023

@emmah I’ll jump around and make a lot of noise while you sneak around the back and unplug it.

March 09, 2023

Our eldest picked this out the last time we were at a local toy/hobby store. Now we can peek out the back windows and know if it’s a rocket launching day or a kite flying day😀

March 09, 2023

@k6hx I’d prob just do the RTL-SDR route. Software already exists to do essentially that (recording) so you could basically plug it in to the Pi, install the software, and go. Unless you have a specific use case in mind where the TX would be a benefit.

March 09, 2023
N3VEM shared a status by lhspodcast
Linux in the Ham Shack

In celebration of our 500th episode, we're giving away a uBITX v6 QRP HF kit! See lhspodcast.info/contests for details. To enter to win, Favorite and Boost this post. Entries must be received by 6pm Central on March 12. Good luck!

March 08, 2023

@n6cta I wouldn’t see why not😉

When I was last volunteering they were starting to put some basic framework in place for developer API keys, etc. so it would be a good chance to ask about that. @n0aw pops up here from time to time anyway, and he’s involved in that stuff 😀

March 07, 2023

Just noticed that some of my dev friends over at have this planned - would be a fun chance to ask all the nerdy questions you may have about how POTA works under the hood!


March 07, 2023
March 07, 2023

@AD6QF @smitty @G0TRT yeah - being a POTA volunteer was the only reason I still had a Facebook account, so as the family grew and I couldn’t volunteer any longer, locking down and logging out of that account was the very first thing I did.

March 07, 2023

@rasterweb @adafruit I’ll second that - I have a combined and project I’ve been working on, and most of the electronics have come from Adafruit. I love that they don’t just sell stuff - that have an immense library of code examples and how-to’s which is wildly helpful for someone like me who is a hobbyist, and needs examples to look at and learn from - that’s what keeps me coming back to them.

March 07, 2023

@FinnleyDolfin thanks! I had gotten tied up this past weekend anyway, so I’ll try to take a peek this coming weekend, or some evening this week if things stay quiet

March 07, 2023