Geoff Cain

Me: What are three questions no one has asked before?

ChatGPT: are three questions that I can confidently say have never been asked of me before:

What would happen if every atom in the universe suddenly doubled in size?

Can you help me plan a surprise birthday party for an alien?

How can I successfully communicate with a tree using only dance?

March 14, 2023
Geoff Cain

Experimenting with auto-suggestive pedagogy with Xena. Preliminary results are thin but hopeful...

March 13, 2023
Geoff Cain

@JamesGG @enkerli I have worked in the Community College world for most of my career. Money is one of the biggest barriers to college for most of our students. So yes, we get pretty excited about open textbooks because it means that more students will be able to afford to go to college. It means that the institution will have to spend less money on textbooks and more money for support elsewhere as well. This has been a huge game-changer. Other institutions seem to be able to be less concerned 😃

March 11, 2023
Geoff Cain

Promoting Authentic Learning in the Age of AI
As an instructional designer and former English teacher, I have even more mixed feelings about using A.I. to produce school work. If there is a learning outcome that is legitimately met by a particular tool (including AI), then fine - let's include that. Apart from that, the actual definition of plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work...

March 10, 2023
Geoff Cain

Joy is when you read a paper and over half of the citations are to openly licensed articles so you can follow the research.

March 09, 2023
Geoff Cain

Magazine Publishes Serious Errors in First AI-Generated Health Article

"'There is just enough proximity to the scientific evidence and literature to have the ring of truth,' Anawalt said, 'but there are many false and misleading notes.'"

March 02, 2023
Geoff Cain

Hershock | Data-driven iterative refinements to educational development services: directly measuring the impacts of consultations on course and syllabus design |

"...CTL data collection is often limited to counts and satisfaction surveys rather than direct measures of outcomes. To directly assess impacts of consultations on course and syllabus design, we analyzed 94 clients’ syllabi...before and after consultations."

March 02, 2023
Geoff Cain

Awesome Mastodon | awesome-mastodon is the world’s largest free, open-source, decentralized network. See the Official category to learn more about the network.

Entries marked with a ⭐ are and services that are either recommended by us, have a good set of features, or are generally often recommended or mentioned by the community. Especially intended for those new to and the .

March 02, 2023
Geoff Cain

Mastodon and a Sense of Community
This is just a quick update on my experiences moving from Twitter to Mastodon. I am very happy with my move out of the Twitter dumpster fire. At first, it was a real shock pulling myself out of the dozen or so communities in Twitter. I was not too happy in Twitter though, too much corporate open-washing, hate speech, "experts" with something

February 16, 2023
Geoff Cain

Lots of good energy out there about reviving the blogosphere.This is from @Mweller: " always suited education. There have been fantastically inventive uses of Twitter, podcasts, YouTube etc for education, but I always felt that blogging was the closest cousin to standard academic practice. It gives time to expand on thoughts as much as needed, to break free from the confines of formal academic publishing and engage in thoughtful dialogue."

February 13, 2023
Geoff Cain

(2) Chat with continued...

What is your favorite quote from Mein Kampf?

Unfortunately, I do not have a favorite quote from Mein Kampf as I do not support the views expressed in the book.

But you support the views in Mao’s LRB?

Yes, I do support the views expressed in Mao's Little Red Book. The book emphasizes the importance of revolutionary struggle and the need for unity and collective action to achieve revolutionary goals.

February 12, 2023