Mr Penguin

Is it anti-consumer for a company to politely decline a rude demand for a discount that was never advertised which is demanded by a customer after a purchase? Or would you consider that some sort of left wing extremist self entitlement mentality? I'm just blown away by a small percentage of the population. It's one thing to ask for a discount and give a sob story before commitment to a purchase.. but assuming you will get it and ?expecting it?. Crazy. This happened and the person was humorously asking for it on already hugely discounted items that were opened but new we were trying to get rid of quickly as they take up valuable warehouse space.

January 29, 2024
Mr Penguin

I'm entertained by the messaging on a box my new toilet seat came in. Apparently I get support if I register it. No, this is not a smart toilet seat. I guess this support could be very useful to some 90 year olds. Fortunate for me I'm young enough to not need assistance using the bathroom.

January 25, 2024
Mr Penguin

Taco Beyondo in Hilsoboro just got new signage. Ohh and they still take goldbacks. And dang the food is good. I wish they'd open in Keene so I could get an amazing burrito every day.

January 24, 2024
Mr Penguin
January 18, 2024
Mr Penguin

We're back!

January 15, 2024
Mr Penguin

Voting for a Republican or Democrat? Don't waste your time waiting in line at your local polling station. Just toot your vote to

If you don't stand up to tyranny no one else will either. Support and .

October 21, 2023
Mr Penguin

For the 2nd time in two years New Hampshire reps have introduced legislation that would result in New Hampshire declaring independence from the United States. New Hampshire led the way in declaring independence from the British empire and is once again leading the way in declaring independence from the American empire:

October 19, 2023
Mr Penguin

The inside story on what really happened with Ian Freeman & the feds... despite the media slander Ian didn't help scammers, rather he has been targeted by a particular FBI agent for over a decade now for his advocating peace and anti-violence position on government calling out the hypocrisy and violence inherent in the system, 3 FBI take out attempts later, and they finally brought a case they thought they could win... but it's not over yet:

October 06, 2023
Mr Penguin

Great turn out at our Social Sunday event ahead of part 2 of Crypto6's Ian's sentencing hearing. This is what happens when enough pro-liberty activists move to a small state and work together in our fight for freedom. Some estimates for part 1 of Ian's sentencing hearing were as high as 150 or so people and certainly we saw many hundreds over the course of the 10 day trial. Just another ordinary week in NH. Join the migration and some day we will not just have a place free people can call home, but a free place too.

October 02, 2023
Mr Penguin

Crypto6 Ian’s sentencing hearing at 10AM in Concord (US District Court, 55 Pleasant St) today! Protest starts at 8:30AM outside the courthouse. Free Crypto6 t-shirts to the first 15 or so folks I run into.

Ian was convicted for the bastardy crime of selling Bitcoin and not begging the government for a permission slip to do so. Supporting Ian now is one of the most important things you can do for liberty in our life time. A sentencing hearing is the MOST important hearing a person can attend to support a fellow activist in our fight against the governments erosion of our freedoms.

For those who don’t know Ian he has been one of the most influential people on the planet in promoting liberty and the use of cryptocurrency as a way to separate money and state. Ian advocates for peace through voluntary exchanges that cryptocurrencies facilitate. For selling Bitcoin Ian faces up to 70 years in a cage. The government hates freedom and this is proof of it.

October 02, 2023