jmc :debian:

Hi , I have another question for you: what's a good way to blur people's face in images while also erasing metadata? There are many apps on the web - what are your opinions or favorite tools?

September 28, 2022
jmc :debian:

Catching up on John Oliver, the episode on also included a skit of "Tucker Carlson telling the truth". After spending almost two weeks in AZ amongst tourist merchandise, flags and people who comfortably flout racist and sexist ideas (be it openly aggressive or "just" as a not-racist enjoyment of White privilege), where liberals are "whackjobs" and every problem is probably linked to -
this feels somehow very nice. Can't wait for this year's visit to be over.

September 27, 2022
jmc :debian:

@jayrope that's kind of a "duh" on me, usually I don't have to go run around identifying music with sth like Shazam.

The song is "For tonight we are strangers" by the metalcore band The Divided.

Thanks for the tip!

September 23, 2022
jmc :debian:

Does anyone know if the musical theme for Wes Bos' JavaScript 30 is an actual song - and if so, which one? I really like it but forget about researching it every time :D

September 23, 2022
jmc :debian:

Quick heavy-handed question to my friends: to you know of an online workshop or sth comparable to work on my skills on how to react and engage with (in this case white) people who insist on using the n-word "because its in that Rap lyric so its okay" or "that's historic context"? All I can ever manage is yell, get high blood pressure, tell them off and leave the room. If they have a potential to learn, I'd like for them to understand why I (a white dude) find it physically sickening.

September 21, 2022
jmc :debian:

@eonn that's definitely a different and from my perspective, difficult approach - but in a way also what I was looking for. I don't particularly like getting angry at someone's words and be triggered, as it were, but I'm not going yo pretend that I am in any way, shape or form okay with this type of expression. I'd rather be able to react calmer, maybe - seeing that storm of taboo in a place that I've come to perceive as "my bubble" is extremely shocking to me.

Lead to good conversation though.

September 21, 2022
jmc :debian:

@eonn it was definitely a lesson about the internet, for sure! I think I forgot that the federated system is a place for everybody, no matter how offensive I might find their demeanor. As far as growth goes - everybody needs their own framework for that, and mine doesn't include offering a canvas for people's trolling fun or hatespeech if I can do something about it. I definitely can draw some conclusions from this because I would never have thought to attract that sort of bile. Surprised me -

September 21, 2022
jmc :debian:

@eonn homophobia and racism aren't policies - the rest might be, I admit that. And for why they responded like that? Trolls. Why I blocked them? I don't do trolls.

September 21, 2022
jmc :debian:

Thanks for all the replies in my post - especially to the homophobic racist alt-right human garbage neo-Nazi people who I now got to report, block and mute.

But of course thanks to you who chose not to cover their answers with racial slurs and fucking offensive memes and whatnot.

September 20, 2022
jmc :debian:

@sotolf oooh...sverweis is just mean

September 16, 2022
jmc :debian:

@sotolf oh, I HATE stuff like that. First time.I picked up a book on web development it said something about "Laufzeitumgebung" - no thank you.

September 16, 2022
jmc :debian:

@bchhun omg for some reason I missed your reply until yesterday - Pudding is adorable!!

September 14, 2022
jmc :debian:

Happy everyone!

Pic is a bit older, but nonetheless awesome. Visiting family in the US right now without our cat and we miss him so much already :'(

September 10, 2022
jmc :debian:

@Sp3k7r0li7 I did! I got like four invitations, two from you and two from the group itself ':D hope I picked the right one

September 03, 2022
jmc :debian:

@jalefkowit the internet never forgets...

And this way I have something in my pocket to zen me down when my relatives start complaining about wokeness, vegans and whatnot. Just let go of the mic, Wolfgang.

September 01, 2022
jmc :debian:

@jalefkowit I bookmarked this

September 01, 2022