Toilet full of bugs

Happy !

August 08, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

@jimbot Uh oh @guffo!

August 08, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

I can hear a little creature in my garden (probably rat, frog or hedgehog). I want to see what it is but I don't want to scare it away!

August 07, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

Went to shop. Only one other person wearing mask. He complimented me on my mask (I wear masks with funny designs; this one had big teeth). He pulled down his own mask to say so.

No wonder this pandemic has been going on for 3 fucking years.

August 07, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

@bestiaexmachina I put the rice in the pan first, then pour in just enough water (or veggie stock, usually) to cover it. That usually works for me!

August 07, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

I snap my spaghetti in half to get it all submerged. That's supposed to be bad, but I can't be arsed waiting for the submerged half to become flaccid enough to poke the rigid half in.

August 07, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

You know how you're supposed to add your pasta to the pot of sauce, not the other way around?

I've tried it both ways and there's fuck-all difference.

August 07, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

@lori In my childhood house, the study (with the family computer in it) was painted purple, so it was the 'purple puter room'.

August 07, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

@lori My mum's house has a spare bedroom that we refer to as "[name of one of my mum's friends]'s room" because said friend is the only person who ever sleeps in it. She comes only once or twice a year, but we still call it her room.

August 07, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

You know when you put your foot in the sea, you go 'oo, cold!'?
When sharks poke their fins out of the water, do they go 'oo, hot!'?

August 06, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

A quick websearch suggests it really is informally called a kebab menu! The proper name appears to be 'overflow menu' but that's BORING.

August 05, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

Is there a name for a hamburger menu icon that's really narrow, so it's a stack of 3 dots rather than a stack of 3 dashes? If not, can we call it a kebab menu icon?

August 05, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

Maybe companies can own a few more at a time. You can have more than one warehouse if you're actually using all the fuckers. And they can own a few more properties at a time in case they're moving their offices and warehouses and that from one town to another. Basically, no having property you're not actually using.

August 05, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

No-one should be allowed to own more than 2 properties ever, and should not be allowed to own more than 1 for 24 months at a time. (So if you already own a property, and inherit another property, you have 2 years to sort out which one you want to keep and which one to sell. I think that's plenty of time.)

August 05, 2022
Toilet full of bugs
Bum update

Done a big fart that I wish I'd recorded. 'HURRR-URR-UURR-UUURRGGHH... HONK.'

August 05, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

@maloki I eat it all. Scrunch scrunch nyam nyam.

August 05, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

I'd normally add a spiked collar and/or bracers to such an ensemble, but the weather's too hot!

August 05, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

Work toilet selfies.

August 05, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

"What if, like travelling by train but 1000x worse?" - Inventor of passenger air travel.

August 05, 2022
Toilet full of bugs

I'm wearing short-shorts and they're giving me a wedgie. As the French say, to be beautiful you must suffer.

August 05, 2022